Saarland University (UdS)

Saarland University (UdS) has a focus on quantum technology (QT) in both research and teaching. Seven chairs in physics and systems engineering are dedicated to the fundamentals and applications of quantum technology. In 2019 and 2020, UdS also established a Bachelor's and Master's degree program in Quantum Engineering, the first of its kind in Germany

Prof. Dr. Andreas Schütze and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Eschner are partners in the QuFabLabs project and contribute the following expertise: extensive scientific expertise in experimental quantum physics and technology as well as in the field of sensor development, experience in outreach with regard to quantum topics and engineering topics, e.g. via student laboratories and student research centers, experience with quantum didactic school experiments and scientific/didactic equipment for quantum physics experiments, conception and establishment of a study program in quantum physics and engineering. experience with quantum didactic school experiments and scientific/didactic equipment for quantum physics experiments, conception and establishment of the Quantum Engineering course, company contacts, further scientific training, national and international networking.

Saarland University